GPS and Product Tracking

Florja's extreme user-friendliness regarding installation, wireless sensor technology and customer-oriented database opens an unprecedented opportunity for optimized customer relationship management and the expansion of customer loyalty programs. Whether private gardens or apartments, parks, office buildings or communities - we offer literally "plug&play": Insert battery into the sensor, select network and open application - customer data is available in real-time and can be included in the sales process for monitoring or services.

The customer can be warned of known problems such as pests; water or fertilizer shortages are reported by the sensor and can be addressed immediately; depending on the season, additional services such as tree pruning can be offered. Active customers can also access their data themselves (e.g. via the GaLaBauer website) and, depending on the settings, either view or edit them. Spoil your customers with real added value!

Customer Services

Sensors in the individual customer's garden can be integrated directly into Florja and are therefore visible at any time. Automated warnings and reports can be created and used on demand or automatically. This makes it possible to continuously monitor moisture, temperature and salinity development in the soil. Florja also has access to all external weather data of the customer location, so that storm and weather warnings (frost) and rain forecasts can be included in the planning. Furthermore, we have integrated intelligent, intuitive and inexpensive irrigation modules in Florja, which can be combined with most conventional garden hardware components. Thus on the one hand the customer garden can be watered over each Internet able equipment on demand or automated, to the Florja in addition, intelligently can water.
Intelligent means to combine the irrigation modules with sensor data and external forecast data and to water only when it makes real sense. This saves a lot of water, avoids damage caused by drying and fertilization and, above all, you are always optimally informed about the status quo in the customer's garden: control visits, weekend shifts and holiday work are minimized.

Customer Relationship Management - customer service with Florja Cloud Platfrom support

Customer Loyalty Programs

Behind every plant there is ultimately a customer - private households, local authorities, building administrations, parks, wholesalers or retailers. Almost all customers have the possibility to change suppliers or sources of supply. It has been proven that customers who are directly served and who experience real added value from the manufacturer are much more loyal and also willing to accept minor problems that occur from time to time, especially with a living product like plants, and to work with the manufacturer on improvements. With Florja's CRM functionality, the integrated sensor technology and our years of CRM (customer relationship management) experience, we can quickly and professionally build a customer loyalty program that fits your needs or optimize your existing one with Florja. The direct line to the customer has 2 advantages:

  1. They "own" the customer, so they can both offer optimal support and develop the relationship (and services) based on added value and good performance.
  2. You can (conditionally) include customers in your continuous improvement processes and integrate feedback beneficially into future plantings, services or marketing activities.
Customer Relationship Management - customer loyalty programs with Florja Cloud Platfrom support